
Request Info

Research Tools

SCAN 360

Preview of SCAN 360 web page

SCAN 360 is a web application that provides 360 view of factors contributing to cancer risk where you live.

HCS Mapping Tool

Preview of HCS Mapping Tool web page

The HCS Mapping Tool is a web application to overlay local count and rate data onto a map of communities participating in the Healthy Community Study.

HCS Mapping Tool

Neighborhood Profiles

Preview of Neighborhood Profiles web page

The Neighborhood Profiles is a web application to retrieve up-to-date demographic, economic, insurance, and disability information from the American Community Survey for neighborhoods in Miami-Dade County.

Neighborhood Profiles

Public Disposal

Preview of Public Disposal web page

The Public Disposal is an interactive Tableau dashboard showing locations of public disposal boxes for controlled substances in New York.

Public Disposal


Reproducible Research

Preview of Reproducible videoThis is a tutorial with instructions on how to conduct reproducible research including configuring your machine for data science.

Package Development


Preview of rUM web page

rUM is an R package for structuring reproducible academic manuscripts within a new RStudio project. Compose journal-worthy articles in either Quarto or RMarkdown and code your results into the analysis.


Preview of DOPE web page

DOPE is an R package to provide a structured vocabulary and look up details on drugs tracked by the DEA.


Preview of tidyREDCap web page

tidyREDCap is an R package with functions for processing REDCap data. REDCap (Research Electronic Data CAPture) is a web-enabled application for building and managing surveys and databases developed at Vanderbilt University.


Preview of CTNote web page

CTNote is an R package that exists as a comprehensive implementation of outcomes, treatments, and endpoints used in clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy of medication-assisted treatment of substance use disorders (SUDs).


Preview of public.ctn0094data web pagepublic.ctn0094data is an R package of harmonized/normalized data sets produced as part of the Clinical Trials Network (CTN) protocol number 0094. The data describe the experiences of care seeking individuals suffering from opioid use disorder (OUD). This is a US National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) funded project; to learn more go to


Preview of public.ctn0094extra web pagepublic.ctn0094extra is an R package containing helper functions for the CTN-0094 data package public.ctn0094data and supplemental engineered / derived data sets.